Search & Buy

Domains for Less

Prices start from under $15/year! Includes SSL, privacy protection, and more!

Experience the Difference

Our Domains Are Better

Included Privacy Protection

Whois privacy protection included for free.

Free SSL

Free SSL and Wildcard SSL certificates for subdomains and multisite installs.

Easy to Set Up & Manage

Simple registration and management backed up by our personal support.

No Renewal Tricks

Automatically get our lowest pricing each year.

Personal Service

Easy to talk to, personal service.

One Dashboard

Manage domains and DNS from one dashboard.

Buying Tips

For Your Domain

  • Keep It Short Shorter names are easier to remember and tend to stand out more.
  • Avoid Symbols Complicated elements make your website harder to reach and remember.
  • Include Your Name Including your brand name will increase brand recognition.
  • Think Niche If your ideal .com TLD is unavailable, consider using a TLD such as .club, .team, or .store to further describe your brand.
TLDs That Stand Out

250+ Domains Available

Stand out from the competition with a custom domain that fits your brand.










Domain Questions

Is your question not listed? Feel free to contact us

Yes, you can! Domains set to auto-renew will renew 7 days before expiry.

When a domain expires, there is a 40-day grace period for renewal at regular cost. If not renewed, it enters a 30-day redemption period.

Currently, we do not offer premium domains or IDNs.

Refunds are unavailable for domain-related payments due to circumstances out of our control. Contact our support team for assistance and refer to our refund policy.